Create a Multilingual Website in PHP using WordPress Translation Plugins

Do you need a multilingual website in PHP? Multiple language translations can increase the usability of your site if you have international customer or visitor audience. On this tutorial we will show you how to set up a multilingual website in PHP using WordPress translation plugins.

Enabling multilingual content on your websites represents a great opportunity web page owners, webmasters and developers to expand language support for all their audience. And the plugins we’ve listed here will let you achieve that multilingual features easily.

WordPress includes lot of ways to expand your website features, and wordpress translation plugins are the best way to have your multilingual website in PHP with just a few simple steps. Follow the next tutorial to have your site translated into multiple languages.

Top WordPress Translation Plugins for Multilingual Website in PHP

1. Lingotek Translation

Lingotek Translation plugin is a a cloud based translation network that will help you to have WordPress translated into multiple languages . You can use your own source translations, you can use either a machine-powered solution or 3rd party professional translations from certified linguists.

multilingual website in php is easy if you use lingotek wordpress plugin
having a multilingual website in php is easy if you use lingotek wordpress plugin

Lingotek Translation offers include machine, professional, and community translation solutions that helps small business and individuals to launch their websites into multiple languages. This plugins improves language consistency, reduces translation costs and saves you time by setting up a fast wordpress translation for all the languages you need.

2. GTS Translation Plugin

This is one of the best multilingual WordPress plugins ever. It will help you to get a multilingual website in PHP in just minutes. GTS Translation plugin will get your content translated easily inside your WordPress database.

gts translation plugin

GTS Translation language plugin enables you to get a fast human quality translation by using semi-automatic translations that can be later edited by human translators. That means your website is translated using GTS translation server initially, but you can choose to keep your translation in that way, or edit it by real humans, which is always recommended.

3. Ceceppa Multilingua

The Ceceppa Multilingua plugin is one of the best WordPress translation plugins. It handles your language translations easily withouy any complications.  This plugin requires you to have all your sourced language translations ready to display them in your WordPress multiliangual website.

ceccepa wordpress plugin

Main Features

  • Quick Edit mode: This allows you to edit your content and translation from one unified page.
  • Different posts and pages for each language translation: this way you can tweak your Search Engine Optimization and URL for your different languages and translations.
  • Translate your theme: this is a built it plugin that allows you to translate strings and generate .mo files for WordPress.
  • Friendly SEO URLs: you can replace the ugly “?lang=en” with something like “/en/hello-world/” or

4. Google Language Translator

Google Translator Plugin is not an official plugin from Google Inc., but it’s a great tool that was built in top of Google translate. This lets you translate your WordPress website into multiple languages really easy.

google language translate wordpress plugin

To activate Google Language Translator plugin, all you need to do is download the plugin, activate and then configure a few simple options like the ones you see in the previous screenshot. That’s all, you are ready to go with a multilingual wordpress website.


The last translation & language plugin for WordPress is WPML, a premium WP plugin that lets you run multilingual website and translation management from one single interface. It costs start at $29/year for the cheapest license.

wpml, one of the best wordpress translation plugins
wpml, one of the best wordpress translation plugins

This cool plugin is the right one for those who need a complete solution, but at the same time, an easy to manage plugin. This powerful translation plugin can handle multilingual posts of all kinds, along with taxonomies and menus. It also includes a native browser language detection from your visitors.

You can also translatte custom fields, widgets and wordpress themes. Has built in e-commerce support and multi-user translation management, among many other advanced features.

6. ConveyThis Translate

This is one of the fastest ways to translate your website into multiple languages. It uses powerful machine translation, simple editing interface and also all the users have access to professional translators. The plugin is also SEO friendly, fully customizable, has a free plan for small websites.

To start translating your website you need just a couple of minutes for integration: install the plugin, get your API key, set your source language, choose target languages and you’re ready to go. There are no additional costs, so once you subscribe to any plan you will get all the benefits included.

ConveyThis Translate


A Multilingual Website in PHP can be easily implemented using WordPress translation plugins. As you see, you have to choose between the best plugins, test one by one and after all you will decide which one fits better for your needs. For us, one of the best choices, if you can afford it is WPML due to the easy to use and advanced features it offers.

What are your favorite Wordpress translation plugins? Please share your knowledge with us.

About the Author: Martin Keler

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