Install Fantastico on cPanel/WHM

Fantastico Deluxe or Fantastico F3 (the new name) is a great product from Netemberg. With a fast installation it allows you to have a great and simple way to install applications with just a few clicks, without touching a single line of code.

On this tutorial we will show you how to install Fantastico Deluxe on cPanel/WHM servers. Let’s begin.

Fast and easy: Install Fantastico F3 on cPanel/WHM servers

Login using ssh as root and place the following commands:

mkdir --parents /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3
cd /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3 && curl -O
cd /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3 && tar --bzip2 --extract --file sources.tar.bz2

Now let’s validate your Fantastico license:

cd /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3/sources && /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php index.php license

You should see your IP address and the result, example: Pass

Pass = your license was sucessfully validated.
Fail = there was an error while validating your license, contact Netemberg support.

Register WHM/cPanel and configure all the GUI stuff for the server

cd /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3/sources && /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php index.php optimize

You will see a lot of lines in the output, it’s totally normal.

Download/Register the apps and scripts for Fantastico

cd /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3/sources && /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php index.php scripts

You should see something like:

Wordpress: OK
Joomla: OK

If the script is already up to date, you should see something like:

Worpress: Updated
Prestashop: Updated

Same for scripts not updated:

Script Name: Not updated

At this point the fantastico installation should be ready to use.

Alternative ways to Install Fantastico

Using curl:

curl | /bin/bash

Using wget:

wget -O - | /bin/bash

How can I test Fantastico?

Login into your cPanel account and search for Fantastico, click on the apps you need to install and start ejoying Fantastico software.

How can I update Fantastico F3?

Run as root:

Update the Fantastico Core

cd /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3/sources && /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php index.php update

Update all the scripts and apps

cd /var/netenberg/fantastico_f3/sources && /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php index.php scripts

If you need more information about Fantastico, take a look at official website: Fantastico

About the Author: Martin Keler

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