How to Install EasyApache 4 on cPanel

EasyApache 4 is one of the major cPanel features that we all have been waiting for. Now it’s stable and ready for production enviroments. EA4 is the one in charge of installing and configuring PHP, Apache and all of its extensions/modules. Today you will learn how to Install EasyApache 4 on cPanel based servers.

Before you proceed, note that:

  • EasyApache 4 has support for Apache version 2.4 only
  • EasyApache 4 has support for the following PHP versions 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1.
  • Amazon Linux OS is not supported by EA4

Requirements to Install EasyApache 4

  • CentOS 6 or 7
  • RHEL 6 or 7
  • CloudLinux 6 or 7
  • cPanel/WHM 56 or later

Make sure your system is fully updated before you run the upgrade, run this commands to update your system packages and also cPanel packages:

dnf update

EasyApache 4 Configuration Requirements

In order to install EA4, you must activate the rpm_up setting by editing cpupdate.conf

nano -w /etc/cpupdate.conf

Edit RPMUP variable and set it to “daily”, as you see below:

[[email protected]:~]cat /etc/cpupdate.conf
[[email protected]:~]

After that, login to WHM panel, and set System Package Updates to Automatic, this can be done from: WHM >> Server Configuration >> Update Preferences

How to install EasyApache 4

As root user, run the following command:

/scripts/migrate_ea3_to_ea4 --run

After doing this migration from EA3 to EA4, your system should be ready to use the new EA4 features to handle all your PHP and Apache configurations.

Uninstall EasyApache 4

If you ever need to uninstall EA4, you can follow this simple guide we wrote: Uninstall EasyApache 4


Further reading:

About the Author: Martin Keler


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