How to install CMQ on cPanel

ConfigServer Mail Queues aka CMQ, is a server side app created by It allows you to manage your Exim Mail Queue with a very useful and powerful GUI from WHM control panel. Today you will learn how to install CMQ on cPanel servers.

ConfigServer Mail Queues can be useful for SysAdmins and Developers who need to:

  • Determine causes of email failures. why inbound or outbound email delivery is failing
  • Mass remove bounce emails
  • Remove frozen (undeliverable) emails
  • Force queue runs
  • Search and delete emails from specific domains or email address.
  • Check the email history from exim logs.
  • Retry email delivery for certain domains.

Steps to install CMQ on cPanel

mkdir /root/temp && cd /root/temp
tar -xzvf cmq.tgz
cd cmq/

All done, now you can login from WHM >> Plugins >> ConfigServer Mail Queues .

Remember that while CMQ is a really good app, it is not officially developed by cPanel. You can use it but in order to have more options while exploring and investigating email issues, you can also use cPanel’s official Mail Queue Manager that is also available from WHM.

About the Author: Martin Keler

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