OwnCloud: Error and fix: Archives of type application/octet-stream are not supported

Today one of my customers opened a ticket showing a strange case where an Owncloud installation running over cPanel + LiteSpeed web server was showing this error:

Archives of type application/octet-stream are not supported

The issue was pretty weird and started when my customer needed to install any Owncloud modules from the OC Market, in particular the “Contacts” module.

I verified all the software requirements were fully installed, and it was ok, operating system, web server version, as well as PHP version was ok. And all the suggested PHP extensions were also installed.

On some forums, some people said this error was caused because PHP-Intl wasn’t installed, but it was also installed.

Finally, on a french OwnCloud forum, I found someone asking about php-fileinfo, and that did the trick.

The key to solving the “Archives of type application/octet-stream are not supported” was to install php-fileinfo from EasyApache 4. If you are not working a cPanel based server you can also install the required extension using yum or apt-get.

Either way, this is kinda strange, since fileinfo should be part of the PHP core since version 5.3


About the Author: Martin Keler

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