How to Enable Dormant Mode in cPanel

Dormant Mode in cPanel is one of those cool things that we love from this great software. Dormant Mode is an useful cPanel system tool that allows you to save system resources like RAM memory.

It reduces unnecessary memory consumption for services that have been idle for 5 minutes. This services will remain dormant until they are strictly necessary to run. This cool feature comes with cPanel version 56 and above.

How can I enabled Dormant Mode in cPanel & WHM?

On testing servers, cPanel staff determined up to 200MB of total memory usage after enabling Dormant Mode in cPanel. This is really cool, specially for low memory VPS and Cloud servers, who need to save every bit of memory they can.

In order to enable or disable Dormant services on cPanel, you can follow this steps:

Login and move to WHM >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings >> Dormant services

Then activate or deactive the services you need for the following system services:

  • cpdavd
  • cphulkd
  • cpsrvd
  • dnsadmin
  • spamd

Dormant mode in cPanel, as you see, can only be used within those cPanel based service, it can not be used for high usage services like MySQL, PHP or HTTP.

Further reading:

About the Author: Martin Keler

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